We interrupt regular broadcasting once again to bring you a few cartoons from our resident cartoonist…
Exercise Regime – Created by Don Cheke
A while ago I created the cartoon of Loaf on a horse for the Don Quixote blog post. As is typical, I used myself as a model and when I looked at the reference picture of me sitting on a chair, I noticed that my midsection looked just like one of those bouncy exercise balls. Now, I’m not proud of that, but I did think it would make for a good cartoon. Based on this visual, it’s no wonder I avoid cameras and mirrors. Who wants to be reminded of that!
I have never enjoyed exercising, although I did participate in going to the YWCA for a couple of years and worked out on the various machines. This was at a time when I was a stay-at-home dad. I would bring Emma with me, and I would leave her with the child minders while working out. Emma enjoyed the outing, and I appreciated the short break. As with everything I do, I worked very hard while there. If I can toot my own horn, I remember hearing one guy tell the girl he was with, while talking about everyone in the place that he, meaning me, was pretty good. No one before had ever said that about me when it came to physical prowess, of that I can assure you. Obviously, I lapped it up and now feel I can share it with you. LOL!
I have always felt that one should get enough exercise from the work they do. When I had my home improvement business and worked in the cabinet shop, I was very active, and this always helped to maintain my hottie shape. I also remember thinking before I had my accident how I wanted a desk job since I was so tired of being tired and dirty after each day’s work. I got that opportunity after my accident to have that desk job, only to find that I started to gain weight ad nauseum, and soon wished I had the physically active job again. Moral of the story, be careful what you wish for. 😊
In Mourning – Created by Don Cheke
Speaking of avoiding mirrors, people often think that I am a Jewish person in mourning, since I have all my mirrors covered. I have often heard them whisper that I must be completely heartbroken over someone since I have been in mourning for years. It’s hard not to mourn the loss of one’s health and whatnot as one ages, but it is a fact of life, as we all know. Seriously though, although I don’t really have my mirrors covered, I do avoid looking in them most of the time, since I can be so hard on myself due to my size. It’s weird though, as I can look at other large males and think that they look fine, so why can’t I just accept myself. Body dysmorphia to some degree too, I suppose. It’s like someone seeing a pimple on their face and thinking it looks like an erupting volcano. The brain, a somewhat twisted apparatus, to be sure. You noticed that I said males earlier. I like to tease that a man, by very definition, cannot be fat, unlike women who can and should take steps to avoid being so. I know, double standards; but hey, I didn’t write the Man Book where this is explicitly written. Just saying!
Man Cold – Created by Don Cheke
Women just don’t get how bad a man cold is! Surely it is written in medical texts as a life-threatening disease or disorder, at the very least. Seriously though, I don’t get why wives and other females make such fun of men when they are suffering from such ailments. It is truly debilitating! Perhaps women think that because we are so robust, brave, and strong, that nothing should be able to take us down. But, as all men know, even the tyrannosaurus rex can be taken down by the bugs that cause a man cold, and the suffering it brings is so intense. Oh, how we suffer! 😊 Get with the program, ladies!
Garage Sale – Created by Don Cheke
Denise, being my muse, among other things, said something about Loaf having a garage sale, and I just knew that this would make for a great cartoon. Denise said to be sure and include little loaf’s skates from the cartoon I made earlier about his hockey experience. Talking about it more, we just laughed and laughed and thought about all the things that could be included from the other cartoons, like the bird, who was like a pooping machine, and showed little respect for Loaf’s newspaper printed comics. Bad bird!
Because people always seem to want a deal at garage sales, I decided that Loaf would be adamant about getting good money for the things he was parting with. He would rather give it to charity rather than sell it to somebody for next to nothing if the garage sale was a failure and little or nothing sold. Loaf and I are on the same page about that! How about you?
It’s at times like this when I think how happy I am that I found and married Denise. Loaf feels the same about Loafetta! One of the best things for a man is when he has lived together with his beautiful wife for 40 years and she knows him inside and out and she can finish his jokes for him, or come up with her own, that sound like something he might have come up with. To sum up, they are best friends, they are each other’s “person,” and they are soul mates to the core. What a priceless treasure that is. It is fireworks special, meaning awesome. 💖
PS, Please note that Loaf’s little missus, Mrs. Dubronovich, is not for sale!!
Mad Magazine – Comic Interlude 4 – Created by Don Cheke
Once again, I needed to come up with something for the comic interlude that recognized Loaf’s writing and comic prowess. Since I, like Loaf, am a sensation in my own mind, I thought that an appearance on the once popular Mad magazine cover might be just perfect. It is my understanding that the last issue of Mad Magazine was in April 2018 and here it is now being released anew (in my imagination only) in July of 2024 with Loaf becoming the new mascot and star. Farewell Alfred E. Newman!
Here is a close-up of the magazine cover.
Mad Magazine Cover – Created by Don Cheke
And here is a close-up of the Loaf clone playing Alfred E. Newman.
Loaf as Alfred E. Newman – Created by Don Cheke
We now return to regularly scheduled programming….
Donald B. Cheke – July 15, 2024