A Heavy Load

It is my hope that this blog post doesn’t read as a whine-a-log, or a poor-me pity trip, but the subject matter might seem to lean that way and it is something that comes to mind now and again, and something that I believe all folks will relate to in […]

Buzz Box

In today’s blog post I am going to talk about the thoughts that occurred to me over a very short period of time (5 – 10 minutes) in the early morning hours of December 17, 2024. As I was thinking about the various things you will shortly read about, I […]

More About AI

In today’s blog post I am going to talk more about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how I see the changing landscape. A week or so ago someone had posted a link to a questionnaire about AI in the artist forum I participate in. I decided to check it out and […]


Today’s blog post is a bit of a mix, but mainly about being grateful. As I was flipping through my photos looking for something that I could use as a feature image I came across this one of my mother, Lorraine, and my older brother, Dave. Dave had come to […]

Human Bean

The funniest thing happened a few weeks ago when my daughter Emma had been explaining to Denise how she’d been feeling nauseous for the last few mornings. Denise, being the loving and kind mother she is, stopped by the grocery store to pick up some soup and some ginger ale, […]