Are you, like me, fascinated by abandoned places? In this blog post I will talk about this interest and what I think are the key things about their attraction. Perhaps you have heard it said that people who travel and investigate abandoned places are called “urban or rural explorers,” depending […]
Let’s talk about fathers, not the priestly kind, but rather the partner to our mother kind – those that were instrumental in our being here, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. We all had one, and I am sure we all have a story about that father, whether he was actually part […]
Comic Interlude 4
We interrupt regular broadcasting once again to bring you a few cartoons from our resident cartoonist… 1. Exercise Regime – Created by Don Cheke A while ago I created the cartoon of Loaf on a horse for the Don Quixote blog post. As is typical, I used myself as a […]
A Single Grain of Sand
Are you ever troubled by your own smallness when compared to the over 8 billion other people that exist on Earth? I know that if I stop to think too much about this that I am, indeed, deeply troubled. In this blog post, I am going to look closely at […]
Shower Thoughts
In this blog post I am going to talk about where I do some of my best thinking, and what that means in the grand scheme of things for me. Perhaps you will identify with what I have to say. As you have probably gathered from the feature image, I […]