Comic Interlude 2

We interrupt regular broadcasting again to bring you a few cartoons from our resident cartoonist…


Gnat-Span – Created by Don Cheke

It is often said that people of the new millennium have little or no attention span; if you can’t get their attention and get your message across within 5 seconds, there is no point in trying. I am not sure that is one hundred percent accurate, but it often seems that way. Gnat-Span is my attempt to poke fun at this attention deficit. And here I am not making fun of the disorder. You may be amused to know that I always thought C-Span was a sports channel that I never visited, never would. I decided to look it up since I was thinking of that channel name when I thought up Gnat-Span, hence the use of the word span. It turned out that it’s an American channel, or media company, that presents coverage of American politics, seemingly all day long, every day of the week. That would be even worse than a sports channel, in my opinion, but not by much. LOL! Hoo Who new knew, nat gnat had a ‘g’ in it? 😊


Beatnik – Created by Don Cheke

I joined an online art forum a while ago. The forum boasted artists from all fields and you could only join if you were approved. Without being able to see what the forum contained, it was a crapshoot at best, as I didn’t know what I would find there if I got the green light. Surprisingly, I got approval to join after waiting half a day for someone to vet me. Once I was granted access, I posted a couple of things to try and stir up some interest for my blog and cartoons. I know that doing this goes against my better judgement but I was feeling desperate. I got zip-all for replies, so was reminded why attempting to find approval or acceptance in a group of strangers is as pointless as it always has been. After watching the forum for a week, I noticed that 95% of the posts were the same eight or ten people posting their poetry. Some of the poetry was okay, most was not, some was very long and painful too, making it difficult to get through to the end. After the absence of any kind of response to my postings, even after having made nice comments about other people’s work, I gave up hope. One of the other things I thought while there was that I had been transported into some modern-day beatnik club. I was waiting for the finger snapping to start! You know what I mean don’t you? In the old beatnik clubs of the 60’s people snapped their fingers instead of clapping, like that was some kind of cool. 😊 Not in my book, I always thought, Oy gag me! LOL. Later I talked to Denise about the forum experience and said that I obviously didn’t know the secret handshake to be fully accepted. She got it! No-hair non-hippie people need not apply! After one more week, I deleted all my posts and deleted my forum account. Now I am alone and isolated once again. At least my wife and my mother are there for me. That should be enough, right!? 😊


Geriatrics – Created by Don Cheke

Just a play on words. 😊 Gerry’s Hat Tricks, instead of Geriatrics, in case you missed it. LOL!


Loaf Talks – Created by Don Cheke

I really hate TED talks, and Loaf Talks is my humorous take on them. To be honest, I don’t think I have ever really watched more than a minute or two of one, and that was in the beginning when they got popular and only to see what all the hype was about, but I sure have something to say about them. 😊 It is just likely jealousy on my part, but I don’t think that because someone has millions or billions of dollars behind their name that they necessarily have anything of value to say. In fact, I think that perhaps they have very little to say since they obviously don’t live in the real world, like most of us. Sometimes I wonder who is it that gets to decide who is featured in that series. I often think it should be me up there on stage, but I know that is only because I am always looking for the “atta-boys” to help me feel better about myself. Outside approval, and all that crazy thinking. Baggage, baggage, and more baggage.

When I attended church for a while, I remember thinking that the priest must have completed a course in Toastmasters, as he had all the hand gestures down. I used to chuckle to myself as it was so obvious that this was the case, just as it is with all the people on Ted Talks. I know that there is some psychology behind it, but it just seems so “showy” to me, like a disco dance. LOL!

I have done some public speaking before, and although I can do it, it never comes out as well as when I do it in my head while practicing for the upcoming event. That is reminiscent of something Terry Fator joked about in his Las Vegas show that I saw at one time. His dummy said that he knew all the Elvis songs, and that he was an excellent singer. He said, I am doing it now, in my head, and it is great! Both Denise and I knew exactly what he meant.


Bird Cage Litter Paper – Comic Interlude 2 – Created by Don Cheke

It’s kind of true that all newspapers, including comics, get recycled one way or another after someone has read them. Although I created this cartoon for the sole purpose of introducing Comic Interlude 2, it is a good reminder of the impermanence of everything. Don’t get too attached, in other words.

P.S. Loaf used in this last comic scenario was just a happy coincidence, a serendipitous occurrence. 😊

We now return to regularly scheduled programming….

Donald B. Cheke – June 3, 2024

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