We interrupt regular broadcasting to bring you a few cartoons from our resident cartoonist…

Look What the Cats Dragged In – Created by Don Cheke
Every time I finish a project, I ask Denise to come and look at it. She always comes and gives me kudos and that always makes my day. So, one day I was thinking about that and realized that I’m not much different than the cat that brings the dead bird in from outside, lays it in front of their owner, and says (well, indicates), “Look what I have for you. Am I a good boy?” After seeing this cartoon, the next day when I approached Denise first thing in the morning, she said, “Do you have a dead bird for me to see?” She knows me well, as I sure did. Gosh, she is just the BEST wife!
You will have noticed that I called Denise DeeDee in the cartoon. That is one of my nicknames for her. With regards to Denise’s nicknames, DeeDee or Dee is my family’s nickname for her. Deny was her original nickname, that came from her family of origin and all those relatives. We like to use Dee or DeeDee because it was ours, but I/we still use Deny now and again, so she still remembers where she comes from. Deny Mac is the name I gave her for her astronaut, spaceship captain name. I’ll often say to her when she’s on her way out the door to have a good flight or fly straight and keep your nose up. Lovey is another term of endearment I use, but whenever I use it, I think of Gilligan’s Island and the rich couple, Thurston Howell the Third and Eunice Wentworth Howell. Thurston always call her Lovey. It was kind of cute, as Denise is. Occasionally I call Denise Little Bird as it is something sweet and innocent like she is, but I also use that with my daughter. Funnily enough, I picked up Little Bird from a time when I worked at the cabinet shop and one of the fellows called our young delivery driver / floor sweeper, Little Bird. I thought that was so sweet. My whole family is big on nicknames as terms of endearment. My older brother, I call Bush and I could tell you how that came around, but it’s a long and twisted story that makes sense to only the few that were involved at its inception. My little brother I called Doonsa (spelling?) for years. I called him that for a very long time because my grandma used to call him that, at least that is what I thought she called him. Over the years I have occasionally done a Google search looking for that term, with many different spellings – but always without success. Denise had the bright idea of doing a search for Ukrainian terms of endearment (my grandmother’s heritage). Sure enough, one that popped up was Moya Dusha, which means my soul. So, I think Grandma must have been saying that or something like it, and I just misinterpreted, or maybe she didn’t quite have it right. In the end I thought that’s got to be what it was, as it makes sense. So now, he’s my Moya Dusha because I’m continuing the tradition. I have nicknames for my mom too. Her real name is Lorraine, but I call her Lou, or Grey Goose. The grandkids call her Granny. Throughout my school years I was called Chico. I always liked that nickname, so that was a blessing. At home I was called Donny until I grew up. What is your nickname?
BTW, did you notice that the bird in the cartoon was just stunned. I didn’t want animal activists to think that I had killed it. Just to be frank, no animals were harmed (permanently) in the making of this cartoon. 😊

Little Loaf Hockey – Created by Don Cheke
Those who know me know that I hate all sports. When writing about this in my memoirs I talked about how I always wanted to use a line if someone asked me if I had any thoughts on the Olympics. I always wanted to say that “It’s just another ‘who can piss the furthest contest.’ I was so happy that my daughter was never interested in competitive sports so I wouldn’t have to go to all her games, like so many parents end up doing. Don’t get me wrong, I would have gone if she had been interested, but, like I said, I am glad that was never required. Did I say that I really hate sports? Much ado about nothing! 😊 That reminds me of a time when I watched an episode of Northern Exposure when Holling, the bartender, refused to play sports on the barroom TV. He said that they were ‘inconsequential goings on.’ I was pleased to finally hear that at least one other person didn’t like sports. Freedom in numbers! With regards to that episode of Northern Exposure, Holling put the TV on the Nature Channel, or something like that, but the barroom visitors ended up acting the same, routing or cheering for the animal that might be winning in a hunt for prey. Moral of the story, you can take the program off the TV, but you can’t take the barbarian out of the man. 😊

Dementia – 404 Error – Created by Don Cheke
Dementia – 404 Error is my take on an old joke(s) about dementia. The one here is obvious, not remembering if one was getting in or out of the tub. Another was about hearing a knock on the door, and thinking, was that the front or the back door. Another still about a doctor saying that if you don’t know where your keys are but know what they are for, you do not have dementia. If you don’t know what the keys are for, then you have a problem. I added the 404-error component as I had this website error recently and thought how well that could indicate dementia in the brain. Well. I thought it was funny!

Obesity-Wan Kenobi – Created by Don Cheke
Obesity-Wan Kenobi is just a play on words for the Star Wars character called Obi-Wan Kenobi. This was just one of my shower thoughts one day when thinking about who knows what. I thought that it would work well with my new cartoon series, since Loaf suffers from this very thing. R2’s comment is poking fun at something all large people do, try to hide the pudge – me too! LOL!

Comic Interlude 1 – Created by Don Cheke
Comic Interlude was created specifically as the feature image for this blog post. I’ll probably use it whenever there is a comic interlude (not!). BTW MOL is “Meow Out Loud,” since a cat can’t laugh, and in case it wasn’t obvious. 😊
We now return to regularly scheduled programming….
Donald B. Cheke – May 13, 2024
Thank you for the laughs! The illustrations add greatly to the vignettes! Great job Don!
Thanks Doug!
Nice drawings!
Thanks Michael!